
Life has its choices. We can pursue the way of Christ — walking in the truth, and seeking to love and serve those near us. Or we can choose to learn life’s lessons the hard way — lacking wisdom and discernment, and repeatedly making poor decisions. The way of wisdom will guide us through the different challenges and phases of life, leading us to live to the glory of King Jesus. 

What does the way of wisdom look like in each decade of life? Consider the following outline:

  • In our teens, we learn self-control
  • In our 20s, we learn a godly trajectory for our lives 
  • In our 30s, we learn to submit our plans to the Lord 
  • In our 40s, we learn to invest in the next generation
  • In our 50s, we learn to multiply a faithful influence 
  • In our 60s, we learn to leave a legacy 
  • In our 70s, we learn to steward for the kingdom
  • In our 80s, we learn to finish well 

For some people, this process will look like growing as a leader — learning to lead yourself, then lead others, organizations, and on. For others, it will look like growing through different phases of life — learning to live faithfully as a daughter, then a wife, a mother, a grandmother, and on. For leaders, grandmothers, and everyone in between, we need help to learn these lessons. But how does one learn these lessons? 

We can learn from God’s Word, our pastors, family, and friends, of course. But another crucial relationship — one we believe to be under-utilized — is a mentor. What better way could there be to grow in wisdom, character, and life skills than to learn from someone further down life’s road? Then, once we’ve learned them ourselves, we have the opportunity to turn around and pass them on to others. 

In other words, mentoring matters.


Mentoring is godly guidance for all of life. As Christians, it’s the task of helping others bring the entirety of their lives under the Lordship of Christ. 


Mentorship requires a mentor who loves the next generation and whose life is worth imitating. It also requires a mentee who’s eager to learn and grow. Going alone is not wise (Proverbs 18:1). Building a network of expertise and wisdom to draw on can benefit both yourself and others.


Mentoring can take place whenever and wherever. Ideally, mentoring takes place within a local church. Mentoring can also take place in Christian community, friendships, and the marketplace.


We believe mentoring is a broad form of discipleship. It’s distinct in that it entails all of life — spiritual, financial, relational, the whole thing. 

This is mentoring, and it’s our passion and project.