Mentoring matters because people matter. The wisdom, knowledge, and abilities that God gives are not meant to be hoarded, but shared. Mentoring is taking what God has given us and passing it along to others for their growth and good. If you want to take part in this great work, we’re here to help.
Why Mentoring Matters
Nine minutes to change your life.
Our Journey:
Every great vision tells an amazing story about its formative days. As time rolls on the vision gets clearer and clearer. Definition and nuance take shape. Pivots happen. We are all addicted to stories.
“When the body goes to sleep the mind stays up all night telling itself stories”
Jonathan Gottschall.
So here is our story…
We Launched a Public Charity in 2022
The Mentoring Project is a 501C3 organization for two primary purposes. First, we are for gospel philanthropy with a unique passion to give a hand up and not just a hand out. Second, it exists to catalyze a mentoring moment for the next generation.
We Established a Board
We have hosted multiple annual and bi-annual board meetings since its inception. We have completed the IRS 1023 process. We have used the legal services of Sally Wagenmaker.
We Published a Book
Tatonka Press co-authored a book entitled. God, Relationships and Money written by John and Ludie Nugier.